How To Paint A Marbled Wine Glass Using Nail Polish

Learning how to paint glass is a great way to pass time and keeping yourself busy while you’re indoors and staying safe. Teaching yourself how to paint on glass not only helps in unlocking a new skill, but it helps you create beautiful kitchenwares too!

This simple DIY tutorial on how to paint glass uses the marbling paint technique to create wine glasses that are perfect as gifts or for entertaining guests!

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How to Paint Glass? Follow These Simple Steps!

What You Will Need:

  • Wine glasses or any glass (you can use any drinking glass or even bottles, as long as they’re clear and don’t have any other designs stuck on them)
  • A tub or basin
  • Water
  • Nail polish (you can use different colors if you don’t want to stick to just one)
  • Stick
  • Clear nail polish or a glass sealant

Step 1: Fill Your Tub

First up, gather your supplies of basin, water, stick, and sealant. Choose the colors you want for your DIY marbled glass and place your nail polish bottles beside you.

Make sure that you place a towel or some newspaper on your work station so you don’t get your place dirty. We don’t want any nail polish stuck on your table and completely ruin it!

Fill your basin halfway full with water. It needs to be deep enough to completely submerge your drinking glass or wine glass, or whatever glass you are going to paint on.

Step 2: Time for Some Nail Polish Action!

This step is crucial when learning how to paint glass. Why? Because in this step, you are basically determining how your print is going to look like against the surface of the glass.

The colors you are going to use in this step will be the ones that will go directly onto your glass. Therefore, you have to make sure that the hues you choose are truly the ones that resonate with you.

In other words, choose colors that you genuinely like. Unless, of course, you are giving this away to someone else.

If that’s the case, then make sure the recipient will like the colors you choose.

When you have decided on your nail polish colors, open each bottle, and use the applicator to slowly drop colors on the surface of the water. You don’t have to put the colors very closely together at this point, but you can drop different colors on top of each other if you want to have a more blended effect.

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Step 3: Swirl the Colors Together!

Once you’ve put all your nail polish colors onto the surface of the water, then you are ready to create your pattern!

Using your stick, poke the surface of the water carefully, and swirl your colors together. You can swirl aggressively at this point, or you can choose to be more careful with the swirling.

We recommend that you don’t move the water too aggressively as the pattern might become too abstract. A marbled pattern has a fluid yet graceful effect to it, and making it too noisy will not achieve that.

Another tip on how to paint glass using a marbling effect is to apply your swirling motions one movement at a time. That way, you can really see and monitor each pattern created.

With this process, you can assess the look more carefully whether it needs more marbling or if it’s enough.

As for the stick you are using, you can use any kind of stick you want. As long as the end is thin enough to create a marbled pattern gracefully, then you should be good.

You can use a barbeque stick, some chopsticks, or even a toothpick. If you don’t have any of those above, you can resort to a ball pen or a pencil.

After you’ve marbled your colors together, lift your stick carefully so as not to disrupt the pattern you have just created.

Step 4: Time to Dip Your Glass!

Now comes the fun and the most rewarding part, which is transferring your marbled print onto your glass! After this step, you are almost done with learning how to paint glass using the marble technique.

Glab your wine glass, or any plain and clear glass of your choice. Dip it into your water basin that has the pattern that you have created.

As mentioned in one of the steps above, it is important that you are using a basin that’s deep enough to submerge your whole glass. Before you submerge your glass, make sure that you are doing so directly on the print that you want to stick to that particular surface.

You are essentially transferring your marbled print directly on your glass surface, so you have to make sure that both surfaces touch each other.

Step 5: Seal It!

After transferring the print, then let the nail polish dry completely, and seal it with clear nail polish or a glass sealant. This is done to make sure the pattern doesn’t chip off over time.

Watch the full tutorial video on how to paint glass by Guide Central below:

Learning how to paint glass using nail polish is super easy and fun. You can create different patterns and not one print will be the same, which makes each glass unique!

As we’ve said earlier, these make for the perfect gifts to family and friends, or as chic and stylish kitchenware for your own space!

What did you think of our tutorial on how to paint glass using nail polish? Tell us in the comments section below!


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The post How To Paint A Marbled Wine Glass Using Nail Polish appeared first on DIY Projects Craft Ideas & How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.