Are your Tinder dates turning out to be spectacular duds? Are you unsure about the future of your current relationship, and feel like you are wasting your precious time? Worry not, it’s not only you, but we all have also been there.
When you are young and inexperienced (even when you are experienced, the matters of the heart can be pretty complicated), it can be pretty difficult to decipher whether the person you are dating is your forever or not. Unlike movies, where the couple gun for the final goal for getting married right from the moment of getting together, the real life is quite complicated. There are quite a few of us, who have been guilty of kicking Mr. Right to the curb, just because we didn’t recognize that they were in fact, Mr. Right.
While it’s true that sometimes you just know, we have compiled a list of a few pointers that might help you decipher if you are in it for the long haul or not. Though, and we can’t stress this enough, you can’t base your life-changing decisions on a few pointers, and in the end, we would advise you take your heart into consideration.
Now, that you’ve been sufficiently warned, here you go:
1. Your Date Might Be Too Busy But He Will Make Time For You
While your date might just stand you up because he forgot time while playing FIFA with his friends, your Mr. Right wouldn’t even dream of doing this. If you need him to show up, he would do his best to be there for you. He will value your time, and for that, he deserves all the brownie points he can get.
2. Your Flame Might Burn Hot And Bright But He Will Be Mr. Dependable
Your date might be the one who loves to party the night away and takes pride in the fact that his lavish lifestyle is sponsored by his rich parents. On the other hand, your special one would have a handle on his life. We are not saying he would be ready with a five-year plan, but he would know what he wants from his life and would be willing to work for it. And that is the kind of man you want in your life.
3. Your Date Is Interested In His Prospects For The Night, He Would Be Interested In You
While your date might be skimming your chat so that he can finally introduce a segue for the fun activity he had in mind, the one who is meant for you, wouldn’t. He would be very interested in what you have to say and would be willing to give you company as you dine and whine about your terrible boss.
4. Your Date Might Not Survive Your Tough Times But He Will
First, your date might think it’s fun to refer to your periods as monstruation and second, he would avoid you like the plague during the shark week. Your Mr. Right, on the other hand, wouldn’t just be up to meet you, he would do whatever he could to make it more comfortable for you.
5. Your Date Might Not Value Your Opinion, But He Will
Oh, you are interested in Russian Literature, or are you into a coding? You know who will remember these details? The guy you are destined to end up with, not that one who scoffed every time you mentioned coding because you know according to him girls can’t code. Someone who genuinely cares about you, and sees a future with you, wouldn’t just bulldoze you into agreeing with him. He would make an effort to understand your viewpoint, even if he doesn’t agree with it.
6. Netflix And Chill Will Mean Different Things With Your Date And Him
When you mention that you just want to Netflix and Chill, you might be imagining a laidback evening spent binging on enjoyable content, your date meanwhile has other ideas and when you do clarify it, he seems unimpressed. The person who is your Mr. Right might take it as an opportunity to get to know you better and would love that quality time with you.
7. Your Date Might Think It Is Beneath Him To Apologise, But He Won’t
If you have been in a long-running fight, your date might still hold out in order to score a point or two, but someone who really values you and wants you in their life wouldn’t think twice before apologizing. To them, being with you would be more important than scoring some points in a petty fight.
This list is by no means exhaustive, and but it does give you a general idea and that is, if the guy wants you for who you are, and cares about you deeply, then he might be the one for you. Do you have any other additions for this list? If yes, then please share them with us in the comments section.
The post 7 Differences Between The Guy You Are Dating, And The One You Will Marry appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
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