Welcome to Chowhound Recommends, Chowhound’s weekly series where our staff shares our favorite food items around a central theme. This weekend has lots of opportunities to celebrate—maybe you’re gorging yourself with chocolate bunnies or matzo crack, hugging trees and giving thanks to Mother Earth, or celebrating the chillest holiday of all—4/20. We’ll be celebrating all of the aforementioned holidays at Chowhound (why pick just one?!), and for this week’s Chowhound Recommends we’re highlighting our favorite CBD products that help us feel just a little bit chiller.
As food writers, editors, producers, and social media managers, we’re constantly scouring the market for the latest and greatest products. And when we find a product we love, we want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re packaging up our weekly finds and sharing them with you, because we think you’ll love them too. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @Chowhound to catch us talking about our favorite products every week.
Guillermo Riveros, Senior Video Producer
Product Pick 1:
Lauren Zaser
My first 4/20 recommended product is these Relax Bears by Green Roads—one of the first companies to produce and sell CBD edibles in the U.S. These are yummy because they’re sour, and also super convenient in this on-the-go pack! It’s 50mg of CBD to keep you stress-free anywhere.
Product Pick:
Lauren Zaser
Can you think of a cooler way to get your CBD dose? If you’re anything like me, you’re going to love these. What’s not to love? Creamy milk chocolate (32 percent) and salty, crunchy pretzels. The chocolate bars come in easy 10mg snap-away pieces for easy dosing. Happy 4/20!
CBD Relax Bears OTG (50 mg), $7.99 on greenroadsworld.com
Flav CBD Pretzel Crunch Chocolate Bars, $19.99 on flavcbd.com
Nathan Carpenter, Associate Video Producer
Product Pick: Just CBD Dried Fruit

Lauren Zaser
Fruit is nature’s candy and CBD is nature’s relaxation aid, and when you combine the two you get the perfect treat. The CBD-infused dried kiwis are a super delicious snack and are a great natural alternative to CBD gummies and chocolates. The only downside is trying not to eat them all in one sitting. Happy 4/20!
CBD Dried Fruit 250mg Jar, $23.99 on justcbdstore.com
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KristinCassidy, Director of Special Products
Product Pick: Lord Jones CBD Gumdrops

Lauren Zaser
I discovered Lord Jones just in time to gift my boyfriend their gum drops for Valentine’s Day, and have been obsessed with the brand ever since. I don’t like CBD products that actually taste like CBD, and these gum drops taste like regular old candy (with the added bonus that they make you feel super chill). With 20mg of CBD per gum drop, you get a lot of bang for your buck. To top it off, they’re naturally flavored and the packaging is gorgeous.
Item 2:
When I want my nightly chocolate fix, lately I’ve been grabbing for these superfood hemp chocolates from Sakara. They’re made of raw, organic cacao and only have 1g of unrefined coconut sugar per chocolate, so you can feel good about eating them. With just 5mg of CBD per chocolate they’re on the milder side, so perfect for when you want just a little bit of extra chill.
Lord Jones Limited Edition Apricot Rose Mother’s Day CBD Gumdrops, $50.00 on lordjones.com
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Sakara Hemp Chocolates, $45.00 on Sakara.com
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Disclaimer: CBD may or may not be legal in your area. Neither Chowhound nor its parent company encourages or endorses any irresponsible behavior or illegal activity. If you choose to use cannabis or CBD products, please do so responsibly and only where permitted by law.
All featured products are curated independently by our editors. When you buy something through our retail links, we may receive a commission. For more great hand-picked products, check out the Chowhound Shop.