Ten years ago, Obama was sworn in as president, Glee was the show to watch, and you couldn’t escape the Black Eyed Peas’ Boom Boom Pow on the radio. It was also the beginning of a Jupiter-Neptune cycle that began in May-December of that year… and tomorrow, September 21, 2019, we enter the closing Jupiter-Neptune square. “Something seeded during the Jupiter-Neptune square is at a turning point phase of development and will need your attention,” says astrologer Amy Tripp. “Squares show tension that must be resolved through direct action. With both planets in their sign of rulership this is an especially potent square.” Get ready for some tension between reality and your expectations. Take special note if you are a Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, or Gemini—you’re going to be most impacted by the Jupiter-Neptune square.
“There is an opportunity to be more flexible and open to other possibilities during this transit,” says Tripp. It’s also an “optimistic, enthusiastic, dream-inducing transit that expands the belief that you can make something that is your ideal, real. The tension is in the uncertainty of knowing if the dream is really tangible or if it is just a seductive fantasy,” she explains. I mean, I feel like that is the struggle of my life everyday, but also I am a Pisces so do with that what you will.
“You may find you are more generous and charitable, but it is a good idea to make sure you are not being taken advantage of; a major pitfall of this transit,” she adds.
“This is a classic transit for being swindled by a charlatan,” says Tripp. All of that sentence is rife with drama, and I am here for it. Basically, you may be feeling more “spiritually inclined,” but just be wary of who you give your time and energy to. “You can easily become swept up in a magical or grand vision of the future that is seemingly just out of reach, only to find out later you were not being realistic, or lacked the focus and skills needed to execute your ideas,” she explains. Like an episode of Netflix’s Nailed It! but for your whole life.
“Instead of daydreaming and aimlessly drifting during this transit use the energy provided by Saturn to ground your ideals into something practical and workable,” says Tripp. “This is not a time to give up on your dreams, but to realize your dreams take work to make real.”
These are the signs that love to gossip the most (we’re looking at you, Geminis). And here’s how you can use your Mars sign to your sexual advantage.