Trader Joe’s kale gnocchi is the latest must-have from the freezer aisle

Trader Joe’s gnocchi game is strong. There’s the so-popular-its-always-sold-out low-carb cauliflower gnocchi, and the dreamy vitamin-packed sweet potato gnocchi. And now a kale gnocchi has been added to the freezer aisle.

A photo of the new kale gnocchi was recently shared on the popular @traderjoeslist Instagram account, and no surprise—Trader Joe’s devotees went wild for it. Opinions on how the green gnocchi looks vary (a quick scroll through the comments will have you LOLing), but in terms of nutrition it’s golden, with only five ingredients on the label: kale, potato starch, chickpea flour, sea salt, and extra virgin olive oil.

“I really like that this gnocchi is made from a short list of whole-food ingredients—and that a veggie, kale, is the very first ingredient,” says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in the New York City area. “You’re also getting a good amount of protein per serving at 7 grams, which is primarily due to the chickpea flour. In addition, there’s a nice amount of fiber. Both the protein and fiber help keep you fuller for longer. You also get some additional nutrients, such as calcium and iron.”

There’s really only one downside: “If you eat the whole package, that’s more than half the daily value of sodium. So stick with just a serving if you can, and pair the gnocchi with a side salad to round out the meal,” she says. Greens with a side of greens? Sounds like a solid plan to me.

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