These high potassium fruits that will help you reach your potassium goal for the day, as they’re all high potassium fruits that offer additional benefits as well. Fruit is the perfect choice for meeting your potassium needs because in most cases you’ll also be getting the benefits of antioxidants and increased fiber intake.
The Ultimate Potassium Rich Fruits List For Optimal Health
Apricots (Dried): 1162mg Potassium (33% DV)
When you dry a fruit, you concentrate all of its properties, and in this case, dried apricots have far more potassium per serving than their fresh counterparts. A 100-gram serving of dried apricots nets you a third of how much potassium you’re supposed to get each day.
When eating dried fruits, be aware that many times the sugar is concentrated as well, which means you’ll want to keep an eye on how much you eat. The same serving described above comes with 53 grams of sugar, so it may not be in your best interest to eat too much of them. Although if you only eat 30 grams or so you’ll be cutting that sugar intake by two thirds and still get 10% of your potassium for the day.
Tips for eating more: Dried apricots make a great snack all by themselves. They can also be chopped up and added to a salad. If you have the choice, opt for sulfur dioxide-free dried apricots.
Raisins: 749mg Potassium (21% DV)
Raisins are another dried fruit that knocks out its fresh form, with a fifth of your recommended daily value of potassium in a 100-gram serving.
When you consider the grapes they started off as only have only 5% of your daily need, the difference is clear. Raisins are high potassium fruits that can help you reach the normal potassium levels that your body needs.
Because they’re dried, raisins have more sugar per serving than grapes, so you don’t want to eat a bunch of them in order to get your potassium. A 50 gram serving of raisins has nearly 30 grams of sugar.
Tips for eating more: A handful of raisins makes a great anytime anywhere snack and will take a big chunk out of your daily requirement. You can also top a salad with them, and add them to a dessert recipe like cookies.
Prunes: 732mg Potassium (21% DV)
Prunes are not only useful at keeping you regular, but they’re also an excellent source of potassium. They can be useful in meeting your potassium foods requirement because even a small serving will give you more potassium than many other fruits and vegetables.
Even though prunes have high level of potassium and fiber, they’re also high in sugar, so you don’t want to get carried away with them. A 20 gram serving of prunes will still get you 4% of your potassium and will cut your sugar down to about 8 grams.
Tips for eating more: Because of their effect on your digestive system, you don’t want to go too far with your prune serving. The same 100-gram serving that gets you so much potassium also gets you 7g of fiber, or roughly a third of what you need for the whole day. You can eat prunes as a snack, or add them to a salad to increase your intake.
Medjool Dates: 696mg Potassium (20% DV)
Medjool dates are a fine source of potassium, providing a fifth of what you need from a 100-gram serving. Because of their sugar, you wouldn’t want to eat 100 grams of dates in one sitting though.
Dates are also a good source of fiber, so you’ll be helping your body out in multiple ways. They’re also high in sugar, so you don’t want to go overboard with your consumption in an effort to get more potassium. You could be wreaking havoc on your blood sugar levels, and excess sugar will turn to fat in the body.
Tips for eating more: Medjool dates make a great finish to a lunch or dinner because they’re naturally sweet, and provide health benefits that other desserts just don’t have. Try eating them all by themselves, but beware of the pit in the centre. Also, they work well in healthy dessert recipes for their sweetness and chewy texture.
Figs: 680mg Potassium (19% DV)
Perhaps you don’t have too much experience with figs since they’re not one of the most popular fruits, and generally, only show up in Fig Newtons but if you’re looking to increase your potassium numbers, you can’t go wrong with them.
Buy dried figs to get more bang for your buck, as they contain far more potassium per serving than fresh. You can also buy fresh, as they’re no slouch in the potassium department, they just don’t have as much as the dried figs do.
Tips for eating more: Once you become familiar with preparing figs, you’ll find them rather easy to eat, and they can be eaten directly like an apple or pear, or used in a range of recipes for their sweet taste and unique texture.
Avocados: 485mg Potassium (14% DV)
Even though bananas get all of the mainstream potassium attention, benefits of avocado actually best them in this area. They contain over 100mg more potassium per serving than bananas and are arguably just as versatile, if not more.
Avocados rank 51st out of 51 fruits and vegetables surveyed by the Environmental Working Group as to which product is the most important to buy organic instead of conventional. This means you can opt to buy conventional avocados which are generally far less expensive than their organic counterparts.
Tips for eating more: Add avocados to all sorts of recipes to get more potassium, more fiber, and more healthy fat than you otherwise would. They help smooth out a smoothie and make homemade ice cream even creamier without the use of dairy. You can also simply add them as a garnish to your main dish to increase your potassium levels.
Bananas: 358mg Potassium (10% DV)
Bananas contain a respectable amount of protein, but even with their reputation as being a big source of potassium, they only manage to rank eighth on our list of top fruits with potassium.
When is a banana ready to eat? Many times bananas are eaten before they’re truly ready. Look for brown spots all over your banana before you consider it ready for consumption. It reaches its tastiest point and offers the best nutritional value when it’s fully ripe.
Tips for eating more: Bananas are the perfect portable snack. They come encased in their own protective but easy-to-remove peel, and as long as you don’t knock them around a lot they’ll stay fresh and ready to eat for a 2-3 day window. Of course, you can also add them to smoothies, or use them as a cereal topper for more nutrition and a different texture to your food.
Coconut: 356mg Potassium (10% DV)
Coconut is a very good source of potassium, as well as fiber and protein. You may also notice that it contains a fair amount of saturated fat. This isn’t the same sort of saturated fat that you’ve been warned against, the kind found in fast food.
You don’t have to crack open a coconut and eat the meat inside. Research shows that coconut water is a good source of potassium. You won’t be able to get any potassium from things like coconut oil, and coconut flour, as there isn’t any to be found. Stick with the least processed shredded coconut you can find. Organic and unsweetened is best.
Tips for eating more: Shredded, unsweetened coconut can be used in a number of dessert recipes to give it its distinct flavor. Sprinkle it onto a salad for a unique taste, or add it to a smoothie for a more tropical taste. Your potassium levels will never go low with this tropical fruit.
Kiwi: 312mg Potassium (9% DV)
Kiwi makes a great addition to your shopping cart, as they are not only a good source of potassium, but also Vitamin C and fiber. You’ll be boosting your immune system, helping your digestive system, and keeping your potassium up to avoid the symptoms of potassium deficiency.
Kiwifruit is a better option than an orange if you’re trying to boost your Vitamin C numbers. Ounce for ounce you’re getting more Vitamin C from kiwi than you are from an orange, an interesting fact considering kiwi doesn’t get as much press for its Vitamin C content.
Tips for eating more: Kiwifruit is a great snack to eat solo, just cut a whole kiwi in half and spoon out the insides one bite at a time. You’ll be left with an empty bowl made from the peel.
Peaches: 190mg Potassium (5% DV)
Peaches round off our list by providing 5% of your daily requirement of potassium in a 100-gram serving. As with all fruit, you’ll want to watch that you don’t exceed your daily limit for sugar, especially if you’re trying to lose fat.
You can also opt for nectarines if you’d like to forego the fuzz and still get a good serving of potassium. They’ll also provide many of the other health benefits typically attributed to peaches because of their close relation.
Tips for eating more: For the best tasting peaches you’ll want to find them in season. When they’re not in season, frozen peaches work best because they were frozen at the time they were picked and have their flavor locked in. Frozen peaches are great for smoothies because they can take the place of ice and add in lots of delicious flavor.