9 Alkaline Foods That Will Help Clean and Remove All Acids From Your Body

Modern life and poor nutrition have extremely bad influence on our organism, because they increase the acidity of our body. On the other hand, our body works best and most efficiently when it is alkalized.

Consuming alkaline food is the best thing you can do for yourself and your health. In doing so, you will prevent a countless diseases. With a simple change in your diet you can be surprised by the results.

However, the food we consume is usually full of sugar, over-processed, fried and extremely harmful to our health.

Some of the symptoms of an overly acidic body:

  • Low energy
  • Weakness in muscles
  • acne all over the body
  • Tension headache
  • Sore Joints
  • Confusion or exhaustion
  • Anxiety or depression

To restore your body to normal functioning, you need to intake mostly alkaline foods, and thus improve your skin, get rid of toxins, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and strengthen the immune system.

According to Jillian Levy “CHHC” the consumption of alkaline food can help us balance the pH values ​​in our body. On the other hand, the normal pH values ​​in our body are necessary, as illnesses can be difficult to develop in the alkaline environment.

The alkaline diet has countless benefits such as: a better function of the kidneys, prevents clotting of blood vessels, reduces muscle mass loss and strengthens bones.

Here are some of the best alkaline foods:

Cucumbers. This powerful vegetable helps prevent the formation of crystals of uric acid and helps hydrate the body.

Kale. Wonderful vegetables that are full of iron, vitamin K and potassium. It can help prevent malignant cells.

Papaya. Fruit that helps with bloating and has a reassuring effect on the stomach. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Spinach. It helps break down the fats in our body and it alkaliates the whole system.

Avocado. It contains countless healthy fatty acids and helps in the full well-being of our body.

Lemons. It helps with weight loss, they are rich in vitamin C and they are super alkalizing fruits.

Almonds. They improve the heart rate, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and contain countless nutrients.

Cabbage. Strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of malignant cells and is a great food for alkalizing your body.

Carrots. They have a positive effect on the vision and improve the elasticity of the skin.

Source: homeremediesnaturalcures.com

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