We’re very familiar with the saying, “Marriages are made in heaven”, aren’t we? But our millennial generation doesn’t really agree with this saying. In fact, it raises questions about the rationale behind the need to marry. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that most millennials perceive marriage as an outdated, obsolete institution of validation of one’s love life.
So, yeah, why should one marry? What impact does it have on one’s life? Why is marriage regarded as such a precious act? To answer all these questions, we need to first understand marriage. Let’s have a look at this concept of society-approved union, shall we?
The Holy Matrimony
Marriage is a bond between two people, that is expected to last till eternity, if not that, then at least during one’s lifetime. As it is universally accepted, marriage is nothing but an event wherein two people take a step together towards making their relationship official, permanent, and public. It’s a relationship milestone in itself. It involves coming together of two families and uniting into one, for the sake of the couple who is tying the knot. It’s the union of not just two people, but their ideas, values, dreams, hopes, and desires.
Reasons Why Marriage Is Important
We totally agree that marriage is a complicated setup (very complicated). This often leaves us looking for reasons that prove that marriage is not necessary for everyone. But, we want you to abandon that school of thought for a minute and think along different lines. We promise that we won’t force you to agree! We have discovered a few important reasons that can help you understand that marriage is important in each and everyone’s life. Here they are:
1. You Don’t Have To Deal With Life All By Yourself
It’s the act of conjugation of two souls. The two individual humans bare their hearts to each other, and embark on a journey of togetherness. Marriage isn’t just about getting a partner you can rely on and who can complete you, but it’s also about gaining another family who can support you and love you. All in all, marriage is all about good teamwork, where the key players are the husband and wife. After all, it’s better to team up and play the game of life, don’t you think?
2. When We Get Married, We Start A New Phase Of Life!
Certainly, marriage is work, it takes some real work, and there are more downs than ups, and there are times when you feel angry and lonely — but all these feelings shouldn’t intimidate one. If you ask us, if handled well, marriage is a powerful institution.
When you’re married, your flaws aren’t your secrets anymore. There’s another person who knows you as much as you know yourself. So, chances are that every time you end up acting stupid and cause harm to yourself, your partner is there to bail you out and help you see the mirror. Marriage makes you a better person and at the same time makes you responsible for another.
3. Marriage Is A Happy Commitment To Each Other
And relationships become happier with a solid commitment. There is no way you can be happy in a relationship that has “no commitment” attached to it. Unless, of course, you choose to not commit. But if the seriousness of the relationship is negligible and if the partners aren’t committed to each other, be sure to know that that relationship is going to be short-lived. And your bond with your partner will always remain subject to scrutiny. You will ask yourself, “Does he really care?” Or “Is she always going to be there for me?” Such questions can create a wedge between you and your partner
But with marriage, there’s a sense of security and an overall sense of commitment, And that commitment can change the way you look at your relationship.
4. You Can Share Your Load With Someone
Life gets easier with another human alongside you. As you grow older, you have copious responsibilities to shoulder. Be it financial support or emotional support, it’s always nice to have that one person beside you, who’s going to be your support and your strength; the who would be willing to cover the gaps for you.
If you’re in your twenties, it’s unlikely that you plan ahead about companionship in your later years . It’s probably because you’re basking in the glory of your youth. It’s only in your later years that understand how having a husband or wife makes your life so much easier.
5. You Get To Enjoy Parenthood
Parenting is undoubtedly one of the greatest blessings of life. Marriage gives you an opportunity to enjoy this blessing. You enjoy being a parent more with your partner around. There are times when you just want to leave the rest of your responsibilities and just spend time with your children. This is achievable with your spouse around. Marriage helps you start your own next-gen!
These were our reasons which make us believe that marriage is important. But we urge you to find your own reason for getting married. Understand the reason and acknowledge it. And marry only if you think that the one you’re getting married to is the right one for you! Don’t take the plunge because someone else asked you to.
Here, we borrow Audrey Hepburn’s words to tell you that if you’re going to be married, you better be very married. Because, you need to put your heart and soul into it.
Which of the above reasons top your list? Let us know in the comments below.
The post Do You Know The Reasons Why Marriage Is Important? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
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