This Cosplayer Can Turn Herself Into Any Character (29 New Pics)

Deep down, everyone wants to be a hero. Legendary cosplayer Alyson Tabbitha is no different. Except for the fact that being just one hero isn’t enough for her. Sometimes it seems like she wants to embody every single comic book, movie and video game protagonist in existence. At least for a few hours.

Alyson has been cosplaying professionally since 2014. Since then, her amazing costumes have turned many a head and inspired others to take up this difficult art. Not to mention that her success has bred intense but friendly rivalry with other cosplayers.

Keep on scrolling, share your fave Alyson cosplays with your friends, and remember to upvote the ones you love most! When you’re done, check out Bored Panda’s other post about Alyson the cosplayer.

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#1 Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#2 Nebula (Guardians Of The Galaxy )

Image credits: Tabbitha

A mind-boggling 1 million cosplay fans follow Alyson on Instagram, while another 516,000 Internet users follow her on Facebook. I’m sure that some of us are a tiny bit jealous of all the attention. However, it’s easy to see why Alyson has such massive support — she makes very high quality, detailed costumes that are close to perfection.

#3 Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#4 Joker

Image credits: Tabbitha

Alyson, who describes herself as “just a girl that likes to play dress up & make things“, enjoys dressing up as women and men alike: from Lara Croft and Queen Amidala to Newt Scamander and Legolas. Her resemblance to these characters is uncanny!

#5 Joker (The Dark Knight)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#6 David Bowie

Image credits: Tabbitha

The origins of cosplay can be found way back in history, in the masquerade balls of the 15th century. A century later, they turned into costumed public festivals in Italy. Later on, the 19th century saw the rise in popularity of American costume and British fancy dress parties.

#7 Maleficent

Image credits: Tabbitha

#8 Queen Amidala (Star Wars)

Image credits: Tabbitha

However, modern cosplay can be traced back to 1908 when Mr. and Mrs. William Fell dressed up as the characters Mr. Skygack and Miss Dillpickles for a masquerade at a skating rink.

#9 Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#10 Leeloo (The Fifth Element)

Image credits: Tabbitha

The first people to wear costumes to a convention were science fiction fans, Forrest J. Ackerman and Myrtle R. Douglas: they attended the 1939 1st World Science Fiction Convention in New York dressed in futuristic costumes, including green cape and breeches. Fan costuming caught on since then and the 2nd Worldcon in 1940 had both an unofficial masquerade held in Douglas’ room and an official masquerade as part of the program.

#11 Sarah (Labyrinth)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#12 Jareth The Goblin King (Labyrinth)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#13 Hela (Thor: Ragnarok)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#14 Elsa (Frozen)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#15 Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#16 Wonder Woman

Image credits: Tabbitha

#17 Arwen (Lord Of The Rings)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#18 Cinderella

Image credits: Tabbitha

#19 Legolas (Lord Of The Rings)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#20 Rey (Star Wars)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#21 Sweeney Todd

Image credits: Tabbitha

#22 Helena (My Chemical Romance Music Video)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#23 Poison Ivy (Batman)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#24 Eleven (Stranger Things)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#25 Atlanna, Queen Of Atlantis (Aquaman)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#26 Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#27 Arwen (Lord Of The Rings)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#28 David Bowie (“Life On Mars” Music Video)

Image credits: Tabbitha

#29 Casual Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Image credits: Tabbitha