Let’s be real, running outdoors is just not always feasible. Perhaps the weather is poor or your neighborhood isn’t jogger-friendly. Maybe you’ve got children at home that can’t be left by themselves. Whatever it is that keeps you from stepping out for exercise, a home treadmill can help you kiss your excuses goodbye. With a treadmill at home, you can track your speed, distance, incline, calories, and more without the distraction of a phone in your hand or an app talking in your ear. You won’t be interrupted by traffic lights, stop signs, or slower pedestrians. Running at a fixed pace will also encourage you not to slow down the moment your energy dips. Challenge yourself and clear a path to progress without having to trek to the park or a gym. Here are some of our favorite treadmills on the market right now.
This treadmill compares favorably to many you’ll find at top gyms. The incline and speed controls are smooth and reliable. You can adjust either setting from multiple places on the treadmill, so it’s easy to change your workout quickly. The machine lets you design custom workouts and long-term training schedules for you based on goals and body type. It even coaches you, providing personalized feedback during workouts to encourage your progress. The backlit 9-inch color LCD screen tracks your stats and displays virtual trails and running courses to entertain you while you sweat. Should you want a simpler approach to your run, choose from several “push and go” workouts available. I love that you can charge your phone while listening to your most inspirational workout music. This treadmill has a 22-by-60-inch running path that inclines up to 15 percent. After use I felt no wear and tear on my feet, knees, or hips because of the steady, solid base and belt.
This foldable treadmill has a 16-by-50-inch running path and 5-inch LCD screen for tracking speed, distance, calories, time, and incline. It has a top speed of 10 mph with three levels of incline. It also comes with 12 preset workout programs to choose from, though you can design your own routine if you like.
This foldable treadmill is ideal for lower speed cardio, as its top speed is 6 mph. It also has a 350-pound max weight with a spacious 19.5-by-44.5-inch walking path. The large LCD display reads distance, speed, time, and calories burned, with 3 quick-access speeds of 1, 3, and 5 mph. It can hold a tablet, iPhone, or laptop, with large cup holders and handrails on both sides.
This minimal and sleek machine can fold up and slide under your bed or into your closet. It is best for power walking while watching TV, working at a desk, or taking phone calls. The WalkingPad comes with a convenient handheld remote for controlling speed and switching between manual and automatic modes. Automatic mode adjusts speed based on your stride and footsteps, which is ideal when at a standing desk. The WalkingPad has a max speed of 3.72 mph and is also quieter than normal treadmills, so it can be used in an office without disturbing coworkers. When folded up, the two wheels on the front come in handy for transporting. Track all workout data via the LED display on the dashboard or the WalkingPad app.