You love your mom. Your mom loves her wine. Lately you suspect she might love her wine a little more than she loves you, but no matter; Mother’s Day is a perfect opportunity to repay her for all of the things you and your siblings did as kids that caused her to become a hardcore wine lover, nay, wine enthusiast in the first place. A bottle of her favorite is certainly a fine (read: lazy) idea, but with just a touch more effort you can secure your place as the grand cru offspring with any of the following wine accessories, whether your mom takes her pinot grigio in a plastic tumbler on ice, is a rosé-all-day (more like all-year) kind of gal, or only drinks first-growth Bordeaux from highly-regarded vintages, but thinks the 2009s are a little over-hyped and ostentatious to the point of being almost blousy, you know? Find the perfect gift for your perfect mom among our list of light, medium, and full-bodied selections.
Your mom’s wine tasting ability knows no ambition beyond “tastes like wine!” Her idea of a wine bar is a magnum of pinot grigio on the patio. Her favorite part of wine is the alcohol. She’s the coolest. These gifts are both light-hearted and light on the wallet.
Monogram Wine Cork Holder, $19.95 on Amazon

This decorative touch is firmly in the tchotchke-with-class category, available in a variety of letters to either simply commemorate your mom’s initials, or entirely spell out “chardonnay” if you’re an extra kind of child and therefore your mom drinks a lot of it.Buy Now
“Wine. All The Time. The Casual Guide to Confident Drinking” by Plume, $14.45 on Amazon

A sassy summer read disguised as a wine guide, or is it a wine guide disguised as a sassy summer read? Either way, it’s a great gift for your wine-and-fun-loving mom, who’ll have a good time with it and might just learn a thing or two by accident.Buy Now
Jumbo Wine Glass, $12.99 on Amazon

Stemless wine glasses are out. Giant wine glasses are in. Here to help your mom justify her bottle-a-day habit. What? It’s just one glass! Pair it with a giant chocolate Hershey’s Kiss to really get the point across.Buy Now
Bathtub Tray with Wine Holder, $34.99 on Amazon

The perfect accompaniment to an easy rosé, treat your mom to a little well-deserved indulgence with this classy bathtub tray outfitted with a holder for her glass. She still has a few bubble baths to go before she entirely forgets your senior-year minivan incident.Buy Now
Your mom isn’t afraid to ask for the wine list, but her refined system of evaluation is to choose the second least-expensive selection. She’s casually interested in learning what wine is about and isn’t limited by the word “dry” to describe what she likes. Also, she likes everything. She’s awesome.
“Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine” by Avery, $18.44 on Amazon

Wine Folly
Her previous wine instruction has consisted of repeated viewings of “Sideways,” and with it the knowledge that she should not be drinking any friggin’ merlot. “Wine Folly” is the ultimate reference for tasting novices. Colorful charts for the most common grape varietals will help her to know whether “soupçon of asparagus” is a typical tasting note for a gruner veltliner or a gewurztraminer. You may or may not want to create this monster, but so long as she’s going to emulate the people she saw in “Somm,” she may as well do it accurately.Buy Now
Crystal Wine Decanter, $47.95 on Amazon

This stylish wine decanter is a classic, affordable, everyday piece for anyone’s glassware collection. Some wines need to breathe. So do some moms.Buy Now
Wine Saver Bottle Stopper System, $16.99 on Amazon

An upgrade from those cutesy wine stoppers, for those moments when your mother doesn’t actually finish the bottle in one night. Or when she wants to savor something special and not share it, this vacuum-based stopper system extends the shelf life of an opened bottle.Buy Now
Your mom won’t hesitate to go head-to-head with the sommelier. She has taste and taste, and has opinions about Russian River versus Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. She can name more Italian grape varietals than cast members of “Real Housewives”—of all the franchises put together. She’s the best.
Vinebox Subscription, $158-$288

It’s like a wine-of-the-month club that serves it up by the glass to give you and your mom affordable access to the best of the world’s wine. Your mom deserves the best, right? Right? RIGHT?Buy Now
Wine Refrigerator, $159.99 on Amazon

Your brother tried to show off and get your mom a killer bottle of Barolo. Listen, it’s still just a bottle of wine. And furthermore, does he expect her to drink it room temperature? One up like you always do with this temperature-controlled wine fridge.Buy Now
“World Atlas of Wine” by Mitchell Beazley, $35.99 on Amazon

Your mom is no ordinary mother, and this is no ordinary wine guide. This is a wine reference. This is THE wine reference. This reference casually upon a coffee table is what heralds to the visitor that your mother is THE S**T.Buy Now
Coravin Wine Preservation System, $295 on Amazon

Because she really hasn’t gotten over the senior-year minivan incident.Buy Now
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