4 DIY Hair Masks You Can Whip Up At Home To Fight Dry Hair Issues

Have the pollution and weather changes sapped the moisture and shine out of your hair? Does the penny slip from your hand and reach the pockets of the salon hairdressers even before you know it because you invest in endless salon treatments to fix your hair? But, if your hair refuses to shine bright and sparkle with moisture, even after all these trips to the salon and innumerable blow-outs, then it’s time to put down the hairstyling tools and pick up a spoon. We have got our hands on a list of quick and easy DIY hair masks that can fight dry hair issues. Let’s get our hands dirty and get our tresses back to life, what say?

DIY Hair Masks For Dry Hair

1. Olive Oil And Brown Sugar

Olive Oil And Brown Sugar


The sure-shot way to nourish your tresses and give them some bounce is to first maintain a clean scalp. Environmental factors can cause an imbalance in the scalp oil. This, in turn, causes itchiness, flaky scalp, and dead skin build up. To get rid of this, the scalp needs a mild scrub. Yes, you heard that right, our scalp needs some scrubbing too. And that’s where brown sugar comes in handy. It works as an all-natural exfoliator that works its way through the dead skin and leaves the scalp squeaky clean. To nourish the hair further, add a dash of extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil locks in the moisture in the hair and acts as a natural conditioner.

Here’s what you need:

  • Brown Sugar: 4 tablespoons
  • Olive oil: 2 tablespoons

The idea is to use 2 parts of brown sugar and one part of olive oil. Apply this on your hair ensuring that the lengths of your hair are covered in oil. Gently massage your scalp. Let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Cover your head with a shower cap while you wait for these ingredients to do their magic. Rinse your hair cold water.

2. Milk And Honey

Milk And Honey


No, we aren’t talking about a certain Instagram poet’s book. Milk and honey are two ingredients that have been used in beauty rituals since the days of Cleopatra. These two ingredients are well known as antimicrobial cleaning agents (1). While honey is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and soothing properties, milk works wonders for anti-aging, and hair repair (2),(3). So, when we combine these two ingredients, it’s party time for our hair. This mask is a must if you have dry hair. It’s easy to make, and light on the pockets too.

Here’s what you need:

  • Full mat milk: 1 cup
  • Honey: 2 tablespoons

Mix the honey and milk together and ensure that the honey has dissolved well. Once the honey has melted well, carefully pour this mixture in your hair. You can part your hair in sections and use a cotton swab to apply this mixture if you don’t want it to get messy. Let the mask stay for an hour or so before you rinse it off with your regular shampoo. The end result? Smooth, shiny, and moisturized hair.

3. Banana And Yogurt

 Banana And Yogurt


We all love a good session at the salon that leaves our tresses feeling soft and silky. But what do we do on days when we can’t afford to make a trip to the salon, simply because there isn’t enough time? That’s exactly when we reach out to our good friend, banana. Bananas help in hydration and deep nourishing. Give the conditioner a miss and use mashed bananas on your hair to nourish your hair with nutrients and help it grow healthier and longer (4). Bananas have moisture retaining capacity that can give your dry hair a fresh lease of life by imbuing it with moisture and shine.

Here’s what you need:

  • 1 Ripe Banana: Mashed
  • Yogurt:1 tablespoon

Mash the banana with the yogurt and a dash of honey if you want extra hydration. Apply the mask on your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Cover your head with a shower cap to make sure there’s no dripping. Rinse with cold water. Don’t use hot water as it can make the banana settle on your hair. A precautionary note: You might find chunks of banana stuck in your hair after the wash. Just wait for it to dry and then brush it out of your hair.

4. Eggs And Lemon

 Eggs And Lemon


Just like bananas, eggs are messy. But they are a good source of amino acids and essential vitamins (5). These nutrients help to rebuild the hair shaft to undo any damage caused by environmental factors. On the other hand, the zesty lemon leaves the scalp squeaky clean and helps in getting rid of bacteria and dead skin build-up (6). Are you excited for squeaky clean and repaired hair? I know I am.

Here’s what you need:

  • Egg whites from 2 eggs
  • Lemon juice: 1/2 a lemon

Whip up the egg whites by mixing them with the lemon juice. Make sure that you whip the mixture well to get a smooth consistency. Apply this mask on your hair and scalp and leave it for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.


And that’s how easy it is to add moisture to dull, frizzy, and dry locks. In addition to these DIY hair masks, you should also focus on taking care of your hair externally. Cover your hair if the sun is too hot to handle, and nourish it with conditioners periodically. Do not use any heat styling tools as it can certainly deny you already-dry hair any second chances.

Which of these hair masks will you try? Let us know in the comments section below.

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