Spark Spring Cleaning With These Organization and Design Books

books to help you clean, organize, and declutter your home

There is a lot to love about the start of spring: warmer weather, cuter clothes, fresher fruit, and colder drinks. However, there is one thing about the change in seasons that fills every last one of us with just a little bit of dread: spring cleaning. These organization and design books just might make it easier to start tidying up!

Yup, the sun’s out and it’s time to…dust, reorganize, and get rid of a lot of clutter you don’t need. Spring cleaning is always a difficult thing to do because getting rid of things is hard, changing your décor around can be scary and, frankly, cleaning is work nobody wants to take the time and energy to do. However, there are a ton of books out there full of tips for organization, tackling big cleaning projects, and redesigning or sprucing up your space. And, because spring cleaning doesn’t just mean cleaning out your house, you may also benefit from a couple books about cleaning out your mind and soul and starting fresh this spring. Happy reading!

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo, $9.69 on Amazon

Marie Kondo book Amazon


Marie Kondo’s tips and tricks for simplifying space have taken the world by storm lately. Very simply put, her philosophy is to figure out which items in your home “spark joy” and to only keep those items. Seems simple enough, right? While Kondo’s methods are simple, they are incredibly detailed and make you think long and hard about cleaning and organizing your space. The best thing about this process is that Kondo’s little-by-little approach to categorizing is meant to last; she creates good habits that are very hard to break. Hey, if you stay organized the way she suggests, you’ll only have to go through spring cleaning once!Buy Now

“The Home Edit” by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, $12.35 on Amazon

The Home Edit book Amazon


Have you ever seen Khloe Kardashian’s pantry? Not only is it crazy organized, but it’s also so uniform. It’s organized by item, by color, and it’s one of the most satisfying things to look at. “The Home Edit” is the book you absolutely need to get your hands on if you’re dying for a closet like Khloe’s. This book is all about uniformity, labeling, and organizing your stuff in a way that’s both fun to look at and fun to put together (I mean it; spring cleaning can be fun). Like Kondo’s book, “The Home Edit” will teach you how to actually maintain your organizational skills, so you don’t have to re-label and rebuild everything in your house every few weeks. Plus, the book includes labels for your fridge or pantry, so there’s no reason for you to put off getting organized any longer!Buy Now

“7 Day Spring Cleaning: Make Your Place Shining Spending Only 30 Minutes a Day” by Linda Hayden, $8.99 on Amazon

7 Day Spring Cleaning book


Spring cleaning is a mish-mosh of tedious and intimidating tasks. I could seriously spend so much time worrying about how I’m going to tackle each task that I end up doing nothing. Luckily, “7 Day Spring Cleaning” is the perfect book for people like me. Linda Hayden breaks down cleaning into short, simple tasks and proves that 30 minutes a day can really get the job done. This book also answers common household questions such as how to get rid of grease buildups on the stove or how to keep dust to a minimum.Buy Now

“Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook” by Cassandra Aarssen, $13.56 on Amazon

Cluttered Mess to Organized Success book


Remember when I said spring cleaning isn’t just for your home, it’s for your mind too? Seasonal depression affects hundreds of thousands of people each year, with the winter months being the worst for many. This book will help you start to tackle the clutter in both your home and your mind. You’ll find cleaning and organizing tips, secrets to dealing with chaos around you and fostering happiness and, as an added bonus, this book comes with tons of labels, schedules, and checklists to help you to keep yourself in check. I can tell you firsthand that there is nothing more satisfying than crossing things off a to-do list, so this book is a must for all the list-makers and bullet-journalers out there.Buy Now

“Classic Household Hints” by Susan Waggoner, $4.50 on Amazon

Classic Household Hints book


American home life from the 1920s to the 1960s was weird, to say the very least. Lysol wasn’t a thing, so people disinfected things with no more than a lemon and a toothbrush dipped in whiskey and baking soda. However, the America of back then had some pretty creative and useful life hacks. This book brings us back to simpler times. Chock-full of factoids, tips, and tricks, from waxing your floor with things in your pantry to picking the freshest produce at the store and everything in between, “Classic Household Hints” will turn you into an all-American spring cleaning guru.Buy Now

“Homebody: A Guide to Creating Spaces You’ll Never Want to Leave” by Joanna Gaines, $23.99 on Amazon

Joanna Gaines Homebody book


Spring cleaning is the perfect excuse to finally redesign and spruce up your living space like you’ve been dying to do since the winter. And, seriously, who isn’t super inspired by Joanna Gaines from “Fixer Upper?” In her book, “Homebody,” Joanna uses examples from her own home in order to inspire and teach you how to redesign your space based on your personal preferences. Her idea is that surrounding yourself with things you love will not only make your home look beautiful, but your home will also feel comfy and cozy.Buy Now

“Three Birds Renovations” by Erin Cayless, Bonnie Hindmarsh, and Lana Taylor, $28.99 on Amazon

Three Birds Renovation book


The three authors of this book are known for transforming humdrum houses into works of art. If you’ve felt like you’ve needed a change in décor for a while but have no idea how to begin a huge redesigning project on your own, do yourself a favor and pick up this book! The tips you’ll find while you read are all designed to alleviate stress. The authors will teach you how to stick to the timelines you set and how to get everything done while still sticking to your budget. See? Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be so scary.Buy Now

“The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter” by Margareta Magnusson, $12.91 on Amazon

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning book


Dӧstӓdning is a Swedish decluttering process that literally translates to “death cleaning.” It is the art of cleaning out unnecessary things, and people are encouraged to do their own “death cleanings” early on so that their loved ones are not faced with the daunting tasks once they are gone. The idea is to embrace minimalist tendencies, help families discuss both fond memories and sensitive issues, and learn to keep your things in order for years to come. While this book is obviously a great tool for reorganizing your space during spring cleaning, it’s also a perfect resource for anyone going through a drastic change in life–be it a move, a breakup, or a death in the family. You’ll learn that there is strength in organization!Buy Now

“Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis, $12.93 on Amazon

Girl, Wash Your Face book


This book is less about how much of a mess your house has been and more about how much of a mess you’ve been! Like I said, changes of season can be scary; you’re expected to set and achieve so many goals, and you keep saying this is when you’re finally going to get it together. Luckily, we have this equal parts hilarious and honest book from founder Rachel Hollis. In “Girl, Wash Your Face,” Hollis touches on the many misconceptions we have about being happy and uses them to teach us how to truly live with peace of mind and killer confidence!Buy Now

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