A face-mask queen shares her favorite self-care habits that follow 2 rules: being easy and fun

Want to learn about her whole self-care routine? Watch the video here.

It makes sense that Golde CEO and co-founder Trinity Mouzon Wofford practices what her brand preaches by relying on the classic face-mask routine as one of her favorite self care practices. What’s ultra-refreshing about her approach to claim some joy (and serious glow), though, is the back-to-basics recipes she loves to slather on. For instance, Golde’s Clean Greens Anti-Pollution mask is a powder-to-gel formula that only requires you to add in a few drops of water, mix it up with your fingers, then finger-paint it onto your face. The application itself is part of the lax, happy adventure—and bonus points for the superfood ingredients being 100 percent edible.

“To mix it up it’s really easy,” Wofford says in the latest episode of Self-Care Nation, Well+Good’s YouTube series that investigates how different people practice—you guessed it—self care. “You just take around, like, a teaspoon or so of the mask powder, and then pour a couple of drops of water over it, and then I just like to stir it right up with my finger. I think the key to building out a beauty and wellness routine that you are going to keep up with is making sure that it’s really easy and it’s fun.”

“The key to building out a beauty and wellness routine that you are going to keep up with is making sure that it’s really easy and it’s fun.” —Trinity Mouzon Wofford, Golde CEO and co-founder

In addition to masking for self care, Wofford is all about de-stressing methods that don’t cause additional aggravation. Her philosophy is that self care practices shouldn’t be about exhaustive, rigid, daily routines, but about “building out little habits that make you feel like your best self.”

For example, her “low-key,” stretch-friendly yoga routine allows her to sit up a little taller and leads her to smile “a little wider.” Curious about her Woffords entire take on self care—inclusive of beauty, fitness, and building the perfect smoothie? Check out the whole video here to get all the happiness-boosting details.

Want more of Self-Care Nation? Here, a plant Mom shares how having a drink with her greens helps to nourish her for the day ahead. And for something a little more elaborate, one celebrity makeup artist shares her 17-step morning routine.