The 23 best Mindvalley courses

If you’re in the business of self-betterment, no doubt you have come across Mindvalley. 

It’s a learning platform that specializes in teaching you “things that will determine the quality of our life experience.” 

What does this look like? 

Classes on meditation, how to “be extraordinary,” learning conscious uncoupling, mastery of sleep — there are just shy of three dozen classes devoted to helping you train your mind, body, and spirit. 

Today, we’ll take a look at the 23 of the best courses on Mindvalley that you can take to help elevate your life experience.

You can access these Mindvalley courses through their All-Access Pass. They each have a free masterclass to see if you like the course or not.

Quick note: I haven’t included Uncompromised Life and Lifebook on this list. They are fantastic courses, but they’re not included in the All-Access Pass.

23. Super Reading 

Let’s get this out of the way upfront: Super Reading is speed reading. That’s not to detract from the course, but it gives you a primer for what you’re getting yourself into. 

Look: there is a never-ending deluge of content out there. News articles are flying at us a mile a second. It’s practically impossible to keep up. 

Luckily, there are courses like Super Reading. 

Over the course of three weeks, teacher Jim Kwik re-teaches you how to read, using 10-20 minute daily exercises that boost your reading comprehension and rate of information processing. 

It’s a great course for those who are looking to engage with more content without sacrificing time!

Check out the free masterclass for Speed Reading

22. Duality

Duality is an interesting program that focuses around harnessing the hidden forces of energy that surround and inhabit your body. 

This class teaches you how to: 

  • Open your intuition
  • Enjoy a life filled with love
  • Tap into your hidden energy 

It promises to help you unlock your energy to guide your life to find your highest calling. 

I was concerned by the fact that it centered so heavily on manifesting (envisioning what you want, and then promising that you can harness your energy/alter your reality to achieve it), as that didn’t seem necessarily unique to Duality (lots of Mindvalley courses use manifesting). 

Plus it seemed like it was harnessing spirituality as a tool for material benefit, something that seemed a bit contradictory.

Learn more about Duality

21. 7 Days to Break Up With Sugar 

This is a pretty cool class, though it only lasts 7 days. 

That can be a positive or a minus! It just is a lot shorter than most of Mindvalley’s courses, which run around 30 days. 

Sugar, as we all know, is everywhere. It has a powerfully addictive property that causes us to crave more, more, more sugar. Excess sugar has been linked to weight gain, insulin tolerance, and a slew of other health issues. 

Luckily, Eric Edmeas has a great, 7-day class to help you gain mastery over your sugar cravings. I really liked how it emphasized being conscious about what you eat!

20. Conscious Parenting Mastery

This is a parenting class that focuses on nurturing your “inner child” as a parent, so that you can make a stronger, more impactful connection with the children that you’re raising. 

This parenting class is centered around the parent, as opposed to being centered around the child, allowing the parent to improve as an individual, and therefore be a more effective role-model and nurturing authority figure. It’s a 35-day course that promises to help you navigate all of life’s most tricky parenting moments. Not being a parent myself, I couldn’t comment on the efficacy of these techniques, but the testimonials were quite promising! 

Check out the free masterclass for Conscious Parenting

19. Speak and Inspire 

To quote Jerry Seinfeld: “our number 1 fear is public speaking. Number 2 is death. We’d rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

We get it. Public speaking is hard. But there’s a fix for that: Speak and Inspire. 

Over the course of 30 days, you’ll learn to: 

  • Channel confidence and charisma through self-awareness
  • Harness emotional life experiences
  • Understand the power of story 
  • Tap into the hearts of others 

I love this class because it’s focused. It’s about being a better public speaker. It focuses on tried-and-true techniques to help you build your confidence.

Read our comprehensive Speak and Inspire review.

Check out the free masterclass for Speak and Inspire

18. Feng Shui for Life 

Feng shui is the energy of our surroundings. This spiritual course is aimed at changing the balance of the energy of your surroundings to help you achieve a more productive, pleasant, and realized life. 

Regardless of your beliefs of “energy of your surroundings,” we all can agree that a cluttered room can make for an unhappy life (no one wants dirty clothes all over the floor, right?).

Marie Diamond — Feng Shui consultant to Steven Spielberg and The Rolling Stones, teaches you how to reconfigure your surroundings to boost productivity and happiness. At the very least, you’ll get a knack for positive interior design! 

Check out the free masterclass for Feng Shui for Life

17. Little Humans

Full disclosure: I don’t have kids yet (ok, I have a puppy), so I can’t fully comment on the efficacy of this course. 

What I can say is that it seems very promising, and the testimonials are quite glowing. 

Little Humans promises itself as a “transformational parenting journey.” The course centers itself around six parenting pillars: 

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Routines and Rituals
  • External Influences
  • Parent to Parent Relationships
  • Education and Growth

The class is taught by 16 leading parenting experts, so you get a nice cross-section of parenting ideals and techniques.

This course is billed as a membership, not an individual course. This gives you deeper and continual access to teachings, lessons, and resources. 

16. Mindvalley Yoga Quest 

When you think of yoga, maybe you think of difficult stretches and expensive yoga pants. 

Yoga Quest is here to teach you that Yoga is much more than that. Yes, it absolutely is exercise, but it also strengthens your mind, heart, and soul. 

Over the course of 21 days, you’ll learn yoga techniques that will help you improve mastery over  muscle flexibility + strength, awareness, better stress management, and much more. 

It’s a solid course with practical applications. 

15. Hero. Genius. Legend

With a title like that, it’s gotta be cool. 

What’s cool about HGJ is that it’s a behemoth of a course. Clocking in at 66 days, teacher Robin Sharma guides you along a quest that is part leadership training, part lifemapping, and part productivity masterclass. 

Each day, you spend around 10 minutes tinkering with insightful ideas and easy to directly impact your productivity and future. 

It’s a little difficult to parse the corporate lingo, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a very upbeat class that has some great content. 

Check out the free masterclass for Hero Genius Legend

14. Life Vision Mastery

This class is taught by Michael Bernard Beckworth, founder of a trans-denominational spiritual community known as Agape International Spiritual Center. 

In Life Vision Mastery, Michael helps you create a spiritual roadmap, reduce your victim consciousness, channel negative energy into positive, and surrender to your life’s plan. 

It’s a class devoted to helping you discover your life purpose, and it uses traditional “manifesting techniques” to help you achieve this. 

It’s perhaps best thought of as a self-religion, that is a spiritual + religious practice that focuses on the individual and the individual’s journey to finding purpose. 

If you’re looking for a class that’s part lifecoach, part new age spirituality, then give Live Vision Mastery a try!

Read our full Life Visioning Mastery Review.

Check out the free masterclass for Life Visioning Mastery

13. Superbrain

Similar to Super Reading, Superbrain is a 30-day course that is designed around training your brain to comprehend and retain information more efficiently. 

It’s quite similar to Super Reading, except it tackles more than just reading. It focuses on improving memorization, vocabulary, and learning. It accomplishes this through techniques that teacher Jim Kwik researched and developed to help himself after suffering from a traumatic brain injury. 

It’s definitely focused on memory — something we all can afford to improve.

Read our full review of Superbrain.

Check out the free masterclass for Superbrain

12. Be Extraordinary For Teens 

A slightly altered version of Vishen Lakhiani’s Be Extraordinary quest, Be Extraordinary For Teens focuses on inspiring and motivating adolescents to achieve: 

  • Confidence
  • Purpose
  • Compassion
  • Self-acceptance 

It’s focused on actualizing your goals (many of these classes are focused on achieving your goals), along with discovering your talents, improving your relationships, and boosting your confidence. 

It’s a 10 day curriculum that features daily, 20-minute videos of content, aimed at helping adolescents achieve personal growth. 

Long enough to be practical, short enough to not get boring, this is a great class for the adolescent learner.

11. Be Extraordinary

This class is the more spiritual, older cousin to Be Extraordinary for Teens. 

Like most Mindvalley classes, it focuses on figuring out your mission, and then learning techniques to make proper decisions and help achieve your goals. 

Unlike Be Extraordinary for Teens, it features a lot of techniques that straddle the line between mystical and scientific. I wasn’t able to get a clear understanding of the efficacy of these techniques, but Founder Vishen promises that using techniques such as Alpha-State and Quantum Jumping can help you manifest your goals. 

Check out the free masterclass for Be Extraordinary

10. The Longevity Blueprint

This is about achieving optimal fitness, and then extending that fitness throughout your life. 

Have you found yourself questioning why your body, health, or energy is not as optimal as you’d like it to be? 

The Longevity Blueprint promises a fix for this. Trainer Ben Greenfield uses a combination of flexibility, cardio, and strength training to help you achieve your fitness needs without resorting to long, grueling, workouts. 

Each day, you focus on easy + efficient practices that you can transform into sustainable habits — habits that will help you develop and maintain peak fitness.

It’s a long class, but the bang-for-your-buck factor is quite high. 

Check out the free masterclass for Longevity Blueprint

9. The New Psychology of Winning

We all want to win. We all want to achieve our goals and be content with our lives. 

The New Psychology of Winning promises you an 85-day quest to help you:

  • Come back from setbacks stronger than ever
  • Increase productivity
  • Attract super performers to your vision
  • Get paid for what you deserve

I really appreciated this class. I appreciated how direct teacher Denis Waitley is in his approach. This class is direct. It’s not couched or obscured in layers confusing terminology. 

It’s honest: this class is for people who want to be top performers. 

If you want to increase your performance, and develop a winner’s mentality, this is the Mindvalley Quest for you.

Check out the free masterclass for the New Psychology of Winning

8. Unlocking Transcendence

Looking to unlock higher awareness? Wishing to live a purposeful, impactful life?

Yearning to feel connected to the world and universe?

Unlocking Transcendence is the quest for you. 

This is a 60-day class that focuses on: 

  • Self-awareness
  • Physical Awareness
  • Mental Awareness
  • Emotional Awareness
  • Impact Awareness

I really enjoyed Unlocking Transcendence as it focused on more than just doing things to bring the learner material wealth. This wasn’t a “get what you want class.” It was a “learn how you can be a spiritual and generous person” class. It felt that the class itself was committed to bringing enlightenment to learners, and then encouraging learners to bring that enlightenment to others. 

Check out the free masterclass for Unlocking Transcendence

7. The Mastery of Sleep 

Struggled to get a good night’s sleep? Feel tired in the day no matter how much sleep you got? 

Try The Mastery of Sleep, which promises a personalized remedy for better sleep for all subscribers. 

Led by Dr. Michael Breus, a noted sleep expert, he takes you through a sleep journey that showcases: 

  • Evening routines to boost sleep
  • Using your environment to your advantage
  • Ensuring your diet works in union with your sleep schedule
  • Sleep robbers and solutions

It’s a 30 day class that has real, actionable content to improve your ability to get those precious z’s. 

Check out the free masterclass for the Mastery of Sleep

6. Everyday Bliss

Life is stressful. Paul McKenna’s Everyday Bliss hopes to change that. 

This class uses techniques based in hypnosis to teach you to : 

  • Be resilient to stress
  • Rise above fears
  • Sleep better
  • Develop resilience

It’s a 21-day journey that uses 15-minute-a-day lessons to help you achieve a life free of stress. 

Stress can be so emotionally and physiologically damaging. It’s great to see courses like Everyday Bliss striving to remove its negative hold on our lives. 

5. Chakra Healing

Chakras may not be super commonly known in the Western World, but they refer to swirling pools of energy throughout our body. There are seven main chakras, and their energy determines our emotional and spiritual health. When chakras are blocked, underactive, or out of balance, our mental state can suffer. 

Over the course of five weeks, Teacher Anodea Judith shows you how to harness your own spiritual energy, heal + balance your chakras, and learn to access levels of higher consciousness. 

She teaches how unblocking specific chakras can lead to direct positive actions in other aspects of your life (improving your 2nd chakra leads to an improved sex life). 

It’s a neat class that has a good balance of both spiritual growth and how it can directly and immediately affect your life. 

Check out the free masterclass for Chakra Healing

4. The Money EQ Quest 

Here’s what Money EQ promises: “money doesn’t have to control your life.” 

Through this quest, you learn how to build a positive relationship with money — something that precious few of us can honestly admit to having. 

It teaches you how to shift your financial habits, make sound financial decisions, and release the need to keep hoarding money when you get it. 

It’s a 21-day course that helps you map out what your ideal relationship with money looks like, then shows you how to achieve that result. 

It’s a nice, direct course that helps you tackle an immediate problem. 

3. The M Word 

The M Word is meditation for people who are wary of meditation. 

If you’ve ever thought “is meditation something that requires hours a day?” or “isn’t meditation only something for monks on top of a mountain?” then this is the mediation course for you.

This is a class that deconstructs meditation, and shows you how to use it as a powerful tool for self-growth.

It focuses nearly-exclusively on the “mindfulness” element of meditation, as opposed to delving into the more spiritual elements of it, but it’s a solid mediation course for those who could use a dose of mindfulness in their hectic lives. 

Check out the free masterclass for the M Word

2. Conscious Uncoupling 

Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings in the world. Few things are worse than that grueling, harrowing emptiness that comes with a broken relationship. 

To help heal from this pain, Mindvalley’s Conscious Uncoupling teaches you a 5-step method to actually move on + gain closure from your relationship.

  1. Find emotional freedom
  2. Reclaim your power
  3. Break the pattern, Heal your heart
  4. Become a love alchemist
  5. Create your happy ever after

It’s a 35-day course that guides you from grief to self-happiness. 

Check out the free masterclass for Conscious Uncoupling

1. Awaken The Species

Awaken the Species is about becoming a highly evolved being. 

What is a highly evolved being? 

One who: 

  • Rises above the social, spiritual, political turmoil of our times
  • Embraces a higher state of spiritual awareness
  • Expresses divine joy, contrition, and purpose
  • Uplifts others to their spiritual evolution

A highly evolved being is one who becomes a divine instrument of change. 

Heavy stuff. But beautiful stuff! 

This class centers around 16 steps of spiritual evolution to help you become a loving, caring, liberated human who embraces justice and equality for all. 

It’s a very groovy and loving class that helps us become the best versions of ourselves.

Check out the free masterclass for Awaken the Species