Food mashups have a tendency to go one of two ways. They either make us say, “What the heck is this and why does it exist?” (looking at you Peeps beer) OR wonder “Why the heck didn’t this exist until now, and why didn’t I think of it?!”
‘Stuffed Puffs’ chocolate stuffed marshmallows—which any s’mores-loving fool would naturally need and are about to drop at Walmart nationwide—is definitely a “why didn’t we think of this?” collaboration. I mean, really anything that gets a toasty, melty s’more ready faster, should be considered for some sort of MacArthur genius grant.
That got us thinking about some of the other brilliant food mashups—some obvious and some not so—that deliver a welcomed two-for-one bang for your buck. From peanut butter and jelly in a jar to taco-flavored Doritos, here are a few of the best “twofers” or food mashups in world history.
Goober Peanut Butter and Jelly (pack of three), $18.57 on Amazon

Peanut butter and jelly has got to be the most well known of all food power couples. It’s only natural that someone, in this case, Smuckers, would think to put them together in one conveniently packaged jar, just oozing with childhood nostalgia.Buy Now
Ritz Bits S’mores, $11.69 on Amazon

There’s no denying we love a good s’more. Chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers are a classic and winning combination, around a campfire, or anywhere really. While nothing is as good as the real thing, hot off the flames of a smoking fire, we were flabbergasted to learn it took so long for someone to pre-package this fearsome threesome for those on-the-go moments.Buy Now
Peanut Butter Stuffed Pretzels, $17.50 on Amazon

The only thing that might be better with peanut butter than jelly or chocolate is a crunchy, salty pretzel. There is a reason these little protein-packed lovelies are sold in massive 52-ounce tubs, and that’s because you’re going to mow through it faster than you thought possible!Buy Now
Mayochup, $11.79 on Amazon

If you’ve ever spent time in Europe you’ve likely encountered “mayochup” in its natural habitat. Sweet, umami ketchup mixed up with smooth and satisfying mayonnaise are as good together as (if not better than) they are on their own. It might not be the most gourmet-sounding mashup, but Heinz has given us the green light to smear this stuff on burgers, hot dogs, french fries, and anything else we can think of. Summer BBQs will never be the same!Buy Now
Taco-Flavored Doritos (pack of three), $19,96 on Amazon

While it wouldn’t be wise to order Taco Bell‘s genius Dorito’s Locos Tacos in bulk over the internet, you can stock up on these taco-flavored Doritos tortilla chips as the next best thing! Buy Now
Kettle Chips Dill Pickle Chips, 6 bags for $11.84 at Walmart

Ever have pickle juice run all up on the potato chips sharing a plate with your deli sandwich? Good, right? Well, you can relive that magic without even having to wait for a sandwich to be made thanks to these Kettle Dill Pickle Krinkle Cut Potato Chips.Buy Now
Heinz Mayomust, $11.99 on Amazon

Heinz coming in hot with another condiment mashup. You know that burger is getting both mayo and mustard so why not save yourself the trouble of a second scoop and smear? Mayomust to the rescue!Buy Now
Heinz Mayocue, $13.48 on Amazon

We’re starting to wonder if there is anything Heinz won’t mix with mayo but honestly, we hope they never stop with the mayo mashups, because there are very few things in life that mayo can’t make better. Except for ice cream, but it gets an A for effort, anyhow.Buy Now
Great Value Crunchy Graham Cracker & Marshmallow Creme Swirl, $2.48 at Walmart

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t include at least one more great s’mores-inspired product. This diet-friendly (kidding) spread has all the fixings smooshed into one jar of s’mores-y goop. Buy Now
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